Currently Browsing: Dive Sites

World Renowned Red Sea Dive Sites

Oceans Divers only carries out bespoke and exciting itineraries in both the North and South of the Egyptian Red Sea. These itineraries cater for wide variety of interests and in locations suitable for both novice and experienced divers. Please note, diving qualification requirements do vary depending on the liveaboard/safari itineraries chosen. On enquiry you will be advised of the relevant diver requirements. Ideally our itineraries are designed for those new and experienced to scuba diving, allowing you to experience the variety of world famous wrecks and pristine reefs within the Red Sea. The...

Liveaboard / Safari Routes & Itineraries

Whilst we concentrate on offering bespoke diving tours, with itineraries in both the North and South of the Egyptian Red Sea, we have summarised some examples of the type of destinations available to eager, experienced and inexperienced divers. As the varied diving locations will vary, so does the pricing. For bespoke pricing, please contact one of our sales representatives.   THE NORTH Day 1 El Fanous Day 4 Small GubalĀ Island Turtle Bay Big Gubal Island Shaab el Erg (Night Dive) Big Gubal Island Shaab Umm Usk/Siyul Saghira Island (Night Dive) Day 2 Siyul...



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