Dive Team

Oceans Divers are a team of fully qualified PADI and CMAS scuba divers, with the ability to build your bespoke diving experience.

With years of diving experience around the globe, we are in a position to share our knowledge and provide our customers with outstanding diving advice and training services. Likewise we are all regular divers in the Red Sea and are familiar with the different number of dive sites available – ranging from wrecks to drift diving and/or night diving to more recreational and relaxed coral garden diving.

All our diving staff and partners range from Dive Masters and Master Scuba Divers to professional PADI and CMAS Instructors.

Our staff speak the following languages fluently – English, German, French, Russian, Greek, Serbian, Spanish and Arabic.


Shady El Dimshawy - Instructor, Oceans Divers
Shady El Dimshawy (Instructor)
Mohamed Abdelsalam - PADI Divemaster, Oceans Divers
Mohamed Abdelsalam (PADI Divemaster)


Yan Neokleous - Dive Master, Oceans Divers
Yan (PADI Divemaster)
Alex Neokleous - Advanced Diver, Oceans Divers
Alexis (PADI Advanced Diver)










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