About PADI


PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) is the world’s leading scuba diving training organisation. With in excess of forty years experience and over 135,000 PADI Professionals and more than 6,000 dive shops, resorts and schools worldwide, PADI training materials and services let you experience scuba diving from nearly everywhere.

Applying your scuba diving knowledge by the use of PADI diving centers and resorts, and with the assistance of professional PADI qualified diving instructors can help transform your life through education, experience and environmental conservation.

  • Educational Requirements:
    There is a multitude of PADI scuba diving courses one can choose from. Whether you wish to learn as a means of experiencing the wonderful world of scuba (recreational diving) or improve your skills or become a qualified scuba instructor, you can do it via the PADI System of diver education. Learning about and experiencing all the fun gadgets and scuba gear available to divers add that extra something to the world of scuba diving


  • The PADI Diving Experience:
    PADI Dive Shops offer a variety of experiences through week long live aboard tours and/or daily dive trips. Through your local PADI dive centre or resort, you can explore a whole host of dive sites nearby your home or at exotic holiday destinations around the world. You can an also build lifelong friendships with fellow dive buddies in the PADI Diving Society


  • Environmental Conservation:
    Organisations like Project AWARE Foundation and partnerships with other organisations like the National Geographic Society can help preserve and protect the world’s aquatic environments


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